Mikan Sakura is an orphaned ten-year-old that lives in a small town in the remote countryside. Her best friend Hotaru starts to attend a prodigy school in Tokyo and uses the money she collects to save their school from closing down.
Soon, Mikan runs away from home and follows her, and she finds Hotaru in Alice Academy, a school for children with special powers called Alices. She is discovered by Narumi, a teacher, and is identified as a holder of the rare Nullification Alice. Her friendship with Hotaru is rekindled, but she quickly becomes disliked by her classmates.
However, her classmates are eventually won over by her warm and optimistic demeanor. She meets Natsume Hyuga, a boy with a powerful Fire Alice who is abused by the academy. Although she becomes rivals with Natsume, they grow close to each other and fall in love. Her happy adventures in the academy come to an end when she discovers that the Elementary School Principal is not well-meaning at all and is out to get not only her but her family and friends.
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