Fate/stay night chronicles a two-week period in the life of the protagonist Shiro Emiya, an amateur mechanic who attends a school named Homurahara Gakuen in Fuyuki City, Japan. The story primarily takes place at and around Shiro Emiya house, which acts as their base location in the Holy Grail War. Outside of Shiro's house, frequented locations include the Homurahara Gakuen high school, and the Ryudoji Temple.
The main theme in Fate/stay night is "conquering oneself." There are three story lines in Fate, each has a different theme. The first one, Fate, is the "oneself as an ideal." The second one, Unlimited Blade Works, is "struggling with oneself as an ideal." The third one, Heaven's Feel, is "the friction with real and ideal."
Saber or her real name is Arturia Pendragon, she is Shiro Emiya's servant in Fate Stay Night. (Fate/zero, she is Kiritsugu Emiya's Servant). An agile and powerful warrior, Saber is loyal, independent, and reserved; she appears cold, but is actually suppressing her emotions to focus on her goals. Her class is considered the "Most Outstanding", with excellent ratings in all categories.
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